This article is for if you are worried about the possibility of students skipping questions or guessing questions.
How do Dreamscape players progress through the game?
To be able to build buildings, train reveries, and challenge other players in Dreamscape, you have to respond to reading comprehension passages and answer questions correctly. Our adaptive technology adjusts to the ability of each student to ensure players are receiving content that is "just right" for their level of development. Thus minimizing student frustration with content that is too easy or too difficult.
Dreamscape incorporates incentives for correctly answering questions. The more questions students answer correctly, the higher their streak will be. For each multiple of 5 questions answered correctly in a row, students will earn rewards that can be used during game-play. The more questions answered correctly, the more rewards and better rewards students can earn! Explaining how the streak feature works should encourage students to slow down and do their best to read passages and answer questions correctly.
If you still have concerns, we have listed below two additional resources you can view to help you in determining if students are spending enough time on passages and questions.
What do I do if I think my students are guessing the questions?
Some students may try to move forward in the game quickly by guessing the answers to the questions.
To check to see if a player is guessing the answers, there are a few things you can do.
Suggestion #1
1. Sign in to your Shoelace parent, educator, or administrator account.
2. Click into the player's class
3. From the dashboard view Class Activity (full report)
4. This view will give you a quick snapshot of a players' progress.
5. Check % Correct
6. If this is around 25%, it could mean they are guessing the answers.
You can then let the player know you are able to track their progress and know when they aren't taking the time to read and answer questions.
Suggestion #2
If students are currently playing the game, view the real-time dashboard to see how long they spend reading passages and answering questions.
1. Sign in to your Dreamscape parent, educator, or administrator account.
2. Click into the students' class.
3. Click on Reports.
4. Click on Real-Time Dashboard.
5. You will be able to monitor how much time students are spending reading passages and answering questions.
If you have any questions or concerns, please see our FAQ or email us at
I'm not a teacher but a lot and I mean a lot of kids in my class just guess answers to get challenges, grow reveries upgrade buildings and get rewards
It took no time for my daughter to figure out that she can guess any answer and get it wrong so when the question repeats the next time she just clicks the answer she didn't pick last time. Cheating this way could be prevented if the game was designed to ask a new question after getting a wrong answer.
Hello Jessie!
Can you please create a ticket at with the username of the student who has experienced repeating questions! Depending on the grade level of the student repeating questions will occur to ensure an understanding of the passage is created!
ight I have a question though. so I have been getting kind of stressed because I'm trying to get all the pets in the game. I have three of them all at their max evolutions, and I need two more of the pets. Is it possible that there might be a cheat where I can become a member for free that you can possibly know about for me? or a cheat to where I can get More Mcoins So I have enough to buy the pets I'm needing to get?.
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