What is the Dream Team in Dreamscape?
A Dream Team is a group of Dreamscape players joining forces to gain the most shards.
We have a video that will walk you through the process of creating a Dream Team or you can follow the written steps below.
How to create a Dream Team
1. Select your Dream Team Shield on the left side of your base as shown in the screenshot below.
2. Select Dream Team.
3. Enter your Dream Team name and select Create.
4. Your Dream Team is now created and you are ready to start inviting other Dreamscape Players!
- Have your class create Dream Teams in groups of 10 or less, whichever team earns the most shards each week or month wins a prize!
- If you have smaller classes, you can have different classes have their own Dream Team and whichever team earns the most shards each week or month wins a prize!
For privacy, you can only see the Dream Team name, not players inside of the Dream Team unless you are a part of that Dream Team.
If you have any questions or concerns, please see our FAQ or email us at support@shoelacelearning.com
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