The short answer is: YES!
A single player account can be part of multiple classes.
If you have 2 or more classes registered to your educator account, the same player can be present in all of them. This player will only count towards your student limit once.
If a player is part of multiple educators' classes, this player will count towards each educator's student limits.
Players who are a part of an archived class and a non-archived class will still appear in reports within the non-archived class. These players will count towards your student limit only once.
Players will receive assignments from every class they are linked to. However, players will receive assignments in the order that they are assigned. For example, if a player is connected to 2 different classrooms, and both educators assign assignments: the student will begin with the assignment assigned first until it is completed and then move onto the second assignment.
For information on adding students to your class, please see this article.
For information on removing students from your class, please see this article.
If you have any questions or concerns, please see our FAQ or email us at
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