Hi Educators!
Your players can join your classes easily with class code. Below you will find the step by step instruction on how to do it. Option 1 will focus on when you are creating a new account and Option 2 will focus on an existing account.
Option 1: Creating a New Account with Username/Password
Navigate to the Create Account from Dreamscape/Drift game. Screenshots of Dreamscape are on top, screenshots of Drift are on bottom of each step.
Dreamscape Step 1:
Drift Step 1:
- Students will be asked if they have a Class Code or are Playing at Home. Educators who have created a dashboard account should have students click on the 'I have a Class Code' option.
Dreamscape Step 2:
Drift Step 2:
Provide your students with your class code
Dreamscape Step 3:
Drift Step 3: -
Fill in the First name and Last initial
Dreamscape Step 4:
Drift Step 4:
5. Set a password for your account
Dreamscape Step 5:
Drift Step 5:
Students will be asked to select their Grade
Dreamscape Step 5:
Drift Step 5:
An account will be created. Your students can login using the generated username and password. Please remind students to save their usernames and passwords to avoid forgetting them.
Dreamscape Step 6:
Drift Step 6:
Option 2: With an existing account
- Login to Dreamscape/Drift and navigate to the Settings or Information tab
Dreamscape Step 1:
Drift Step 1:
- Select the Join class button
Dreamscape Step 2:
Drift Step 2:
- Here, the Player will be asked to key in the Class code and then click submit/confirm.
Dreamscape Step 3:
Drift Step 3:
After players click Submit, they will receive a confirmation they have joined the class. If they inputted an invalid Class Code, they will receive an error message and can try submitting again.
If the player doesn't receive a successful notification — please check that they entered the class code correctly (the class code is case sensitive).
Check that the class is not locked on the teacher dashboard, preventing new players from joining.
Please check here for the details on How to lock or unlock a class - For Educators.
If you have any questions or concerns, please see our FAQ or email us at support@shoelacelearning.com
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