Revery training can be tricky to understand, so this article will walk you through all the questions you may have.
- How do I train reveries?
- What kinds of reveries are there in Dreamscape?
- How many reveries can I have at once?
- How do I unlock more reveries?
- How do I upgrade reveries?
The Hatch is where all reveries are born. Upgrade your Hatch to unlock new kinds of Reveries– powerful beyond your wildest dreams!
The Hatch is where you train your reveries. As you upgrade your hatch, you will unlock new reveries!
You can use the Train Reveries menu to see your unlocked reveries, training queue, revery capacity, and more.
There’s a lot going on, so we’re going to break it down for you.
Grow Reveries: Revery Menu
In the lower part of the screen, you can see which reveries you have unlocked. Here, we have Ko and Vorp unlocked. The rest are still locked. You can unlock more reveries by upgrading your Hatch.
Details: Learn more about Reveries here.
Level: What level is this revery type? You can upgrade reveries in the Temple.
Training cost: This is the amount of Imaginanium it costs to train one of this revery type. You pay the cost each time you add a revery to the Training Queue. The cost is refunded if you remove a revery from the Training Queue
Unlocked reveries: Your hatch level is high enough for you to train these reveries.
Locked reveries: Your hatch level isn’t yet high enough for these reveries. Move your mouse over each locked revery to see what level your hatch must be to train it, or read about it here.
Grow Reveries: Training Queue
When you click on a revery in the Revery Menu, it is added to the Training Queue. The farthest left reveries are trained first (in this case, the Kos), then removed from the queue. After that, the next reveries will be trained (in this case, the Vorps).
Training Queue Space: The first number is how many you have in your queue, plus how many you have fully trained.
The second number is how many you can have in your queue. This number shows how many reveries you can have in your queue at once. It is always double your overall revery capacity. Both of these numbers refer to revery capacity, not number of reveries.
Number in queue: On each revery’s portrait in the queue, you can see how many of that type you have lined up to train.
Remove from queue: press the “-” button to remove these reveries from the queue.
Capacity needed: This number shows how much revery capacity will be taken by training this batch of reveries.
Questions to train: This is how many questions you’ll need to answer to train this batch of reveries, once they’re next in the queue. You can learn more about a revery’s training time by reading their details.
Queue overflow: Reveries highlighted in red are still in your queue. The red means “When these reveries get their turn to be trained, you’ll be out of space for them!” Answering questions will still count towards training them, but you won’t be able to use these reveries in challenges until you either increase your revery capacity or clear space for them by using reveries in challenges.
Your Reveries
You can use the “Your Reveries” menu in the Hatch to see how many reveries you currently have ready for challenges.
Reveries Info: Top Panel
In this section, there are green bars and numbers, as well as bright green bars and numbers. The darker green means “these are this revery’s stats at this level”. The bright green means “these will be this revery’s stats if you upgrade it”.
Damage per second: How much damage this revery can inflict every second during a challenge
Health points: How much damage this revery can take from defensive buildings before being defeated
Training cost: How much Imaginanium it costs to train one of this troop
Train per question: You can train this many of this revery type with each question you answer. In this case, you can train 60 Kos with a single question.
Favourite Target: The revery will try to destroy this type of building first. For example, Spider-bots like to target resources, Poppa Piñatas like to target walls, and Ugs like to target defenses.
Damage type: Most reveries just hit one target at a time (“None”). Poppa Piñatas, Jigs, and Aliens, however, can hit multiple targets at once.
Housing Space: This is how much of your revery capacity each one of this revery type uses.
Movement Speed: This is how fast this revery moves in challenges. A higher number means a faster revery!
Revery Info: Bottom Panel
In the bottom panel, you can upgrade your reveries. This is a good place to do revery upgrades if your Temple is being upgraded. The upgrade cost in Imaginanium is shown on each revery’s panel. Learn more about revery upgrading here.
Ko is a curious and determined creature - almost too curious. She emerged from a dream about an endless hallway lined with closed doors. She always carries a gigantic golden skeleton key, but which door does it open? And what else can it unlock..?
Ko is the first revery you can train in your dwell. Unlocks at hatch level 1.
Housing space | 1 |
Movement speed | 16 |
Favourite Target | None |
Don’t be fooled by his sweet appearance. Vorp comes from a nightmare where every delicious bite of pie turned to veggies in his mouth - the horror, the horror!! Since then he’s been on a perilous produce rampage, flinging the vegetables he hates at the enemies he hates even more. If you see him coming towards you, you better be quick on your toma-toes or get out of the way!
Unlocks at hatch level 2, uses ranged attacks.
Housing space | 1 |
Movement speed | 24 |
Favourite Target | None |
Ug is a gentle giant, though good manners are not his strong suit- in fact, his favourite outfit is his birthday suit. Ug wandered out of a dream where you show up to school in nothing but your underwear(!) but Ug decided he liked that nice breeze down there. What’s everybody lookin’ at? *BURP*
Unlocks at hatch level 3.
Housing space | 5 |
Movement speed | 12 |
Favourite Target | Defenses |
These computerized creepy-crawlies crept out of a dream where robot spiders were using the inter-NET to spin their World Wide Webs. It takes a lot of resources to make a web as big as the internet, and these animatronic arachnids are hungry for them. If your spidey-senses are tingling, you better watch out!
Unlocks at hatch level 4.
Housing space | 1 |
Movement speed | 32 |
Favourite Target | Resources |
Poppa Piñata
What if every piñata that had ever been batted around at a birthday party suddenly decided to take its revenge? Well that dream has come true and now these proud and perturbed paper party favours are ready to spill their candy guts for the cause! CHARGE!!!
Unlocks at hatch level 5. Runs at walls, then explodes! It is defeated as soon as it explodes, but it takes any nearby walls down with it.
Housing space | 2 |
Movement speed | 24 |
Favourite Target | Wall |
Jig loves jam. He flies over walls and sometimes spills his jam causing damage to the buildings below! He prefers to target defensive buildings!
Unlocks at hatch level 6. Jigs are the only flying revery type in Dreamscape. They can fly over walls!
Housing space | 5 |
Movement speed | 10 |
Favourite Target | Defenses |
Have you ever wondered if there is other intelligent life in the universe? Well these extraterrestrials are EXTRA intelligent- and they’re all over the Dreamscape! Aliens are naturally curious, and they love to explore new dwells. But be careful, because on their home planet, “explore” and “destroy” are the same word!
Unlocks at hatch level 7. Aliens can hit multiple targets at once, and from a distance.
Housing space | 4 |
Movement speed | 16 |
Favourite Target | None |
High at the top of tall, cheese-frosted mountains lives the shy and mysterious Spagyetti. The Spagyetti is made up of oodles and oodles of tightly twirled noodles, with a heart as tender as Nona’s home cooked meatballs. You can follow big saucy footprints up to the Spagyetti’s hidden home habitat, but watch out- or else you might be the one slurped up for supper!
Unlocks at hatch level 10. Spagyettis take a lot of space, but they hit hard!
Housing space | 25 |
Movement speed | 32 |
Favourite Target | None |
If you’ve ever seen a duck-billed platypus, you know it looks like a duck and a beaver got stuck in a blender together. But what if you also threw in a shovel, a purple tiger, and a love for dirt that just won’t quit? Then you’d have yourself a Platydig! Platydigs love to get down and dirty, and have the perfect snout for getting sneaky. You had better protect your dwell, because the next attack could be coming from Down Under!
Unlocks at hatch level 12. Platydig’s digging lets them pass straight under walls!
Housing space | 6 |
Movement speed | 32 |
Favourite Target | None |
Revery Capacity
Revery capacity is how much room you have for trained reveries. This number is determined by the number and level of your Revery Pools. You also get +10 capacity from your Vision Core.
You can see your total revery capacity in the Hatch menu, at the bottom.
The left number (209 in this example) is how much space you’ve used. The right number (210 in this example) is how much space you have in total.
Here’s an example:
Let’s say you have two revery pools in your dwell. One has a revery capacity of 30, the other has a revery capacity of 25. The Vision Core has a capacity of 10.
30+25+10 = 65. This dwell has a total revery capacity of 65.
Different reveries take up different amounts of space. Here’s a list of reveries and the space they take up.
Revery | Space needed | Revery | Space needed | |
Ko |
1 |
Jig |
5 |
Vorp |
1 |
Alien |
4 |
Ug |
5 |
Spagyetti |
25 |
Spider-Bot |
1 |
Platydig |
6 |
Poppa Pinata |
2 |
So with our capacity of 65, here are examples of a few of the arrangements we could make.
- 65 Kos, or 65 Vorps, or 65 Spider-Bots (65 X 1 = 65)
- 13 Ugs or 13 Jigs (13 X 5 = 65)
- 31 Poppa Pinatas and a Ko (32 X 2 = 64. 64 + 1 = 65)
- 16 Aliens and a Vorp (16 X 4 = 64. 64 + 1 = 65)
- Two Spagyettis and 3 Ugs (25 X 2 = 50. 3 X 5 = 15. 50 + 15 = 65)
- Ten Platydigs and a Jig (10 X 6 = 60. 60 + 5 = 65)
You can have any arrangement you like, as long as the total space taken is not more than your revery capacity.
The Temple lets you upgrade reveries for Imaginanium, increasing the amount of damage they do each second. Upgrading a revery also increases the cost to train more, so make sure you have plenty of imaginanium wells!
To start upgrading reveries, click the Temple and select the “Research” button.
In the Upgrade menu, you can see each type of revery. If the Revery has red text with a level number, such as the Platydig’s “Lvl 8”, that means you won’t be able to upgrade this revery until your temple reaches that level.
If the revery has red text with a large number, such as Ug’s “5000000”, that means it will cost 5,000,000 Imaginanium to upgrade Ug to the next level - but you don’t have that much yet. Save up more to upgrade!
If the revery has white text, such as Ko’s 1500000, that means you can afford to upgrade that revery.
Let’s click on Ko and see her upgrade page. You can open this upgrade page for any revery, except those with an unmet level requirement (like the platydig above). Even if you can’t afford the upgrade yet (like Ug), you can still open the upgrade page.
Here, we can see that Ko’s current Damage per second rate is 18. After upgrading, it goes up by 5 to 23 (18 + 5 = 23).
Ko’s training cost is currently 100 Imaginanium each. After upgrading, it goes up by 50 to 150 (100 + 50 = 150).
We already have the maximum number of Kos training per question (60 per question) so that won’t go up any more.
We can see that the Upgrade Time is two questions. Once we pay for the upgrade, we’ll need to answer two questions correctly. After that, all our Kos will be a bit stronger!
Finally, we have the upgrade button: the “1500000” button. When you’ve decided to upgrade, press this!
Now we’ve successfully upgraded Ko!
Upgrading through the Hatch
If your temple is currently being upgraded, we won’t be able to access its upgrade menu. There’s a trick to upgrade reveries anyway: you can go into the Hatch, press train, then press the “Reveries Info” tab.
From here, we can see all the same upgrade information as in the Temple!
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