How do I battle/challenge players in Dreamscape?
Follow these steps below!
Challenges will become an available feature after reaching a certain point in the tutorial where Chuck invites you to explore your dwell.
1. Sign in to your Dreamscape account.
2. Click the purple CHALLENGE button located on the bottom left of your dwell.
3. Once you open the challenge window, you have a few choices to make!
You will need to choose between a multiplayer or single player battle.
If you choose single player then you will be entering story mode. Read each passage, answer their questions, and challenge the Spider-Bots to keep your Dwells safe!
If you choose multiplayer then you will be challenging another player's dwell. Your next step is to select the difficulty of the dwell you wish to battle, from Easy to Nightmare. Choosing a higher difficulty setting means challenging players with stronger defences!
4. Click FIND A MATCH. Players must have enough resources to begin a challenge. The number of Challenges you can start is shown under 'Number of Challenges', maxed at 5. After challenging others, this number will go down by 1 and you will need to answer more questions or pay M coins to bring this number back up. It will also cost miraj to initiate a Challenge.
Dreamscape tip: Answer more questions in order to gain more resources and get Challenge Tokens, shown under 'Number of Challenges'.
You will now be transported to a random player's dwell to start your battle!
5. Click on your preferred Revery and place them around your opponent's screen (you can place as many as you have available) and watch your Reveries attack the enemy dwell!
6. Players can view available loot that they can gain if they win a battle or the number of shards they will lose if they are defeated.
7. Once you have placed your Revery, you have a time limit of 3 minutes before the battle is finished.
8. If you win the battle, you will gain a variety of rewards including shards, imaginanium, miraj, and XP.
Happy playing and may the best Dreamseeker win!
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why an't this game fun
this is a glitch but when i went in i saw a thing called setting items and all of my items dissapeared so i restarted and my items were there again.
so i need just tap on the screen?
I love this game it’s so fun and you can play with friends and battle
adline jones
I am more of the reason why we can’t get it back in time to go back to the house for the weekend or next weekend and then I can get the money
I really want the memership
For time boost
it's fun
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