Follow the steps below to transform your Avatar
The inventory needed to change your avatar's costume will be available after reaching a certain part of the tutorial where you can explore your dwell. Before this, the inventory icon will not be available.
1. Sign in to your Dreamscape account.
2. From your Dwell, click on either your avatar or the treasure chest.
If you clicked on your Avatar
1. Click on Items.
2. From this page, you can select and equip different Heads, Costumes, Dances, Messages and Powers.
If you clicked on the Treasure chest
1. Select the tab titled Avatar and you will see a list of your available items.
Where can I get new costumes and heads for my Avatar?
- Buy Avatar costumes and heads from the shop
- Gain Avatar items from reward boxes received after winning a battle
- Gain access to extra Avatar costumes/heads when you become a member!
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1 comment
THat good geam
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